Designed for Members
The NEA Retirement Program is an exclusive partnership between NEA Member Benefits and Security Benefit exclusively for NEA Members. The Program offers a unique three-part approach to help NEA members plan and save for retirement.

Just like you don’t use a one-size-fits-all approach to reach all your students, you should use different strategies and solutions to help you save during different stages of your career and to secure income during your retirement.

Working with an Independent Financial Representative
Education professionals face unique choices and challenges when it comes to their retirement. The independent financial representative you work with should be an expert in all things that could affect your retirement. This is why we’ve created our exclusive NEA Retirement Specialist designation to accompany our NEA Retirement Program.

NEA Retirement Program
This information is provided by Security Distributors, in connection with the NEA Retirement Program for retirement plans sponsored by school districts and other employers of NEA members and individual retirement accounts established by NEA members. Security Distributors and certain of its affiliates (collectively, “Security Benefit”) make products available under the NEA Retirement Program, directly or through authorized broker/dealers, pursuant to an agreement with NEA’s wholly owned subsidiary, NEA Member Benefits (“MB”). NEA and MB are not affiliated with Security Benefit. Neither NEA nor MB is a registered broker/dealer. All securities brokerage services are performed exclusively by your sales representative’s broker/dealer and not by NEA or MB.
NEA, NEA Member Benefits and the NEA Member Benefits logo are registered service marks of NEA Member Benefits.
NEA Retirement Specialists, when making recommendations to an NEA member, offer only Security Benefit products.